From culture shock to creative freedom

International students at Sac State are having the adventure of a lifetime

Many international students at Sac State relax and socialize at the Global Lounge on campus.

Zoya Altabaa / Insider

Many international students at Sac State relax and socialize at the Global Lounge on campus.

Zoya Altabaa, Staff Writer

Students from all corners of the globe have come to study at Sacramento State University, including international exchange students. And boy, do they have some stories to tell. From language barriers to cultural differences, these students have faced challenges that would make  seasoned travelers quiver in their boots.

According to international students Hari Thallada, Raki Rifath and Sarah Benbarakah, studying at Sac State has its highs and lows. On one hand, they get to experience a new country, make new friends, and broaden their horizons. On the other hand, they have to navigate a completely different education system and deal with homesickness from time to time. 

The Highs and Lows of Studying Abroad at Sac State

Thallada is a distinguished international student who is concluding his master’s program in computer science. His experience at Sacramento State has been unique in that he has encountered several differences between his home country of India and the United States. Despite these differences, he has found Sacramento State to be a safe haven, a place he can comfortably call his second home.


“You are opening up to so many different people, so many different cultures, so many different technologies,” Thallada said.

For some, like Sac State psychology student Benbarakah, the experience has been different. The feeling of isolation and loneliness at times has had a significant impact on her, compounded by the effects of culture shock. Nevertheless, despite these challenges, she has expressed satisfaction with the educational experience she is receiving at Sacramento State.

“You are going to experience culture shock, especially if you move without your parents or your family,” Benbarakah said. “A lot of students who move here alone will maybe experience some loneliness at first. But it gets better as you, obviously, get used to living here.”

Benbarakah said coming to Sac State has pushed her to up her game as a student compared to how she did in high school.


“Honestly, I feel like I strive more now. Now that I realize I’m not OK, my parents left the country that we’re living in to come here,” Benbarakah said. “Now, it’s like taking my education more seriously and not like how I took it back in high school.”

Finding Challenges and Opportunities as International Students

The sentiment seems to be shared by many international students when it comes to studying abroad. It is often seen as a responsibility and a challenge that carries significant implications, both positive and negative. The journey might bring about new friendships, unforeseen opportunities and a chance to learn beyond the lines of textbooks.

Rifath’s has had to adjust to a different pace in his computer science courses, which has become a source of amusement for him. He appreciates that education in America opened him up for creativity and did not hide him in a box with certain measurements that he has to follow.

“Like, for example, my professor in computer science goes so fast,” Rifath said. “Going into the class, he told us that he wouldn’t be teaching us any programming language. ‘You know what you’re going to do,’ he said, ‘that’s why you chose computer science.'” 


Thallada said he think Sac State has provided him with an experience that no other place would have provided him with – a hands-on experience in the field that he is passionate about.

“So this is a place where you will be running from the first day in your master’s, not in the last semester itself – you will be having that awareness that I need to find a job,” Thallada said. “Knowing that I will be graduating in one semester and I need to find a job in that time. Knowing that from the first day in your college. That’s something different that other places, other than California, can’t provide.”

Navigating a New Environment

However, the education aspect of being an international student at Sacramento State in America is not always a bed of roses. One of the most pressing concerns for international students who choose to study abroad is the sense of community they will find. Will it be diverse enough to embrace new cultures? Will the culture be accepting of outsiders joining and becoming a part of it? 

These questions reveal the challenges that international students face as they navigate a new environment, often far from the familiar comforts of home.

“I knew no one,” Thallada said. “I didn’t even know my seniors. I was just talking to them, but since I came during COVID, no one was responding. So, I had to figure everything out. I used to live in Rancho (Cordova), and then I had to move to a place here. Because of the COVID situation, I couldn’t find any home because there were so many mistakes I made.”

The experience of international students at Sacramento State is both challenging and motivating. They share their stories to inspire others and impart wisdom. It’s important to remember that being an international student is tough and requires resilience. 

“When I was coming here, I thought it would be interesting, but I was kind of fearful,” Thallada said. “However, when I came here, it was completely different.”