REVIEW: Study spots on campus

Charleen Leyba

Grassy area by Shasta Hall

Charleen Leyba, Staff Writer

As a first-year student who’s new to campus, I’ve never explored campus quiet areas as I am always in my room studying or doing homework. As a result, I’ve been unaware of the study spots around campus and decided to take a wider look to see and review different study spots on the Sacramento State Campus. 

1. Grass Area by Shasta Hall

Charleen’s Rating: ★★★

When you’re walking towards Riverfront Center you will find your war walking past the open grass area where it’s empty and has a nice breeze. 

I found this spot relaxing because I had gone on a Saturday where there were no students on campus so it was super quiet and you could hear the animals and trees blow while I studied. 

Stairs between Sequoia and Riverside halls (Charleen Leyba)

The downgrade on this study spot was I wish I had brought a blanket to sit on because the grass was a bit wet, but I really enjoyed being there.

2. Stairs in between Sequoia Hall and Riverside Hall

Charleen’s Rating: ★★★★

 As you pass Humboldt Hall, take a left toward Sequoia Hall and you’ll find yourself just before the Guy West Bridge by the stairs. I enjoyed this study spot because there were fewer people and no foot traffic because of the elevation. The cars passing by were the only distraction that I recognized. 

I recommend trying out this study spot if you want a nice view while doing your homework. The trees provided plenty of shade, and the flowers around me were super pretty as well. 

3. Breezeway through the Library

Breezeway (Charleen Leyba)

Charleen’s Rating: ★★★★★

When walking toward the Union, you’ll find yourself in front of the Library, and when you walk up the ramp, you feel this nice breeze on what’s called the “Breezeway”. 

The Breezeway is a really busy spot where you can find Grumpy Mule, the passport place or even PARC. Lots of people are gathered here to study, dine or even talk with friends. Music or events are usually held in front of the Breezeway which is the library quad.

If you don’t mind noise or want to study with your friends outside, then the Breezeway is a great place to gather. 

4. Academic Information Resource Center (AIRC) 

Charleen’s Rating: ★★★★★

The AIRC is where you find lots of people studying as it is known as the most common place to study other than the library. 

Academic Information Resource Center (Charleen Leyba)

This study spot is one of my favorites because it offers 24/7 hours, so you can come in at any time – just make sure to provide your One Card at the front desk. 

Security is enforced when the time hits 7 p.m. and you’ll need to provide your One Card. There are four levels of the building that include printers, tables, computer labs, classrooms and vending machines.

I recommend the Academic Information Resource Center because it provides a lot of resources and you can get your work done at any time.